Tennis racquets and strings

Why Your Child Should Pick Up a Tennis Racquet Today

In a post about a month ago, Javier went over some of the math behind playing tennis. Between tennis club…

7 years ago

Tennis Player Health: Shoulders and Wrists

The post by Allistair McCaw In my experience, one area a lot of tennis players don't consider enough is, is investing…

8 years ago

The Impact of Modern Tennis Racket and String Technology on Performance

There is a question from the blog's reader. Let's help the student with their project. "Hi, I am a Sixth…

10 years ago

Tourna announce sponsorship packages for all US College & high school tennis players

Tourna announce sponsorship packages for all US College & high school tennis players. In an effort to help students and…

12 years ago

Learn how to choose tennis strings for junior tennis players

Some tennis players and specialists are wary of poly tennis strings. There are articles and opinions that poly strings are…

13 years ago

Discussion of post Choosing a tennis racquet

I received a lot of comments on the post “Choosing a tennis racquet” with Bruce Levine. I published here some…

13 years ago

Choosing a Tennis Racquet

Choosing a Tennis Racquet We continue to discuss with Bruce Levine, Technical Adviser for Tennis Magazine and for racquets…

13 years ago

How to Choose a Tennis Racquet

Bruce Levine, the tennis racquet technical advisor for Tennis Magazine, shares his thoughts on choosing a tennis racquet. Bruce, you…

13 years ago