Champions Might Fail from Time to Time, but They Never Quit
The post by Allistair McCaw
Champions might fail from time to time, but they never quit. They simply keep on trying until they get it right. When you are on a mission to achieve something, there will always be the critics, naysayers and those who say you can’t do it.
They are usually people who don’t understand having a passion or drive to succeed. When they try get to you, stop and visualize the finished product and let that bring you the energy you need. Keep your head up, surround yourself with positive people and keep moving forward. Champions might fail from time to time, but they never quit!
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‘win some lose some’… yet always something to learn positively. Just keep focused on improvement, honing your skills…. and keep the joy of the game, the joy of movement/ a healthy body, joy of friends, and the joy of helping each other to be the best they can be on a given day… will keep you going forward.