What Are College Tennis Coaches Looking for?
What are college tennis coaches looking for?
Now let’s talk about how to play and what to pay attention to during the recording of your video for a college tennis coach. Most college tennis coaches will never sign a tennis player only from a video alone. They will still want to see you play in person.
And what are college tennis coaches looking for then? These tips will help you to behave the right way on the tennis court.
On-tennis court behavior. Attitude is crucial: is a tennis player looking upbeat and positive? Or is the player berating him/herself? Which would a tennis coach want to deal with?
Footwork, effort, and short selection; the nuts and bolts of your game. College tennis coaches want to see if a player use his/her head out there and if the player can create points, or just “bang away”.
They prefer to see you lose. Watching a player losing and the adjustments that one must try to make to salvage the tennis match are revealing. The player may turn the match around (great result) or may at least show that they can handle a loss with dignity. Again, what type of person would a coach want?
Don’t be looking to the sidelines; play your match within yourself. No need to look at mom or your coach who applaud and make everything OK. Be your own coach out there.
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