Fifteen Things That Successful People Have
The post by Allistair McCaw
Fifteen things that successful people have:
1. They have Passion for what they do.
2. They work Hard, they don’t watch the clock.
3. They Practice, practice, practice.
4. They Push limits and boundaries.
5. They have Discipline,
6. They have Determination
7. They are Creative
8. They have Persistence.
9. They have Focus.
10. They ask questions, they are Inquisitive about new idea’s and
11. They’ve failed many times over. But learn quicker from their
12. They believe in themselves
13. They surround themselves with positive, supportive people.
14. They are prepared to go the extra mile.
15. They don’t dwell on past failures or errors, they are always
looking ahead -ie.. the next point, shot, project, book,
business meeting etc…
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thank you very much for your advice and for your hard work to make it easy to us , thank you for giving us the perfect short ways to be a good Coach because you are definitely a great Coach 🙂