HomeTennis coachTennis Coaches Come and Go


Tennis Coaches Come and Go — 8 Comments

  1. Like in any business, you hire right and you hire wrong. Both choices are better than not hiring. It is still very impressive to me how an uncle can lead his nephew to record wins after teaching no other players. Therefore, most high charging coaches are over rated and not worth the outrageous hourly fees.

  2. I’m not sure you have mentioned anything that positive or helpful here, not going to argue with you on it, I don’t think you should slag off the pros , they are not immune from making bad judgments.

  3. Not much to discuss here. Sounds like an old coach thinking he is the only one with Magic Dust. Seems to me all of the players mentioned above are doing fairly well including Maria who just won The French Open.

  4. proposal: new category: ‘Advice/Support from Tennis Parents’ ( some of whom although, not USTA certified coaches’ still have something to offer and share! unless this is a one way street…Thanks

    • Thank you, Candace. The site has “Advice for tennis parent” category. Advice may come from tennis parents too. What do you think?

  5. Interesting analysis but it’s a two way street. The player must perform and the coach is always striving to get the player to by in to what he is emphasizing. At the level of the players you are talking about that is a big job. From my perspective it’s so much easier to work with a player that I have built. The boy that I am building now I can see and fix anything on the fly as opposed to someone I just watch for a bit and then I’m asked to go on the road with. I know what works best for players I am building and traveling with for preparation, diet, amounts of sleep, amount of points prior to the tournament but that took so much time to understand. You are looking for 1 minute fixes from coaches that it would take years to develop a relationship that if you ask them to walk on water they will try. I think Sven, sharapova, and that team are doing well because Maria seems happy personally. She seems to be having fun off court with her team. That definitely helps.

  6. That was one of the most pointless pieces I’ve read anywhere.

  7. You can not know what is happening behind the closed door.
    It usually gets worse before it becomes better.
    We all know that. Every person/teacher has something to give. More or less.
    Novak had Todd Martin for serve and volley. In that time serving was kind of
    poor … but who can say that Todd’s lessons in that time were not meritorious
    for his serve improvement nowadays?
    Maybe Dusan Vemic’s advices finally gave fruits? Or Pilic’s?

    The truth is – we can’t tell.